Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean and season my steel when it arrives?

We're glad you asked! Instructions will be provided with your steel, but this short video contains all of the information you might need should you happen to misplace the paper copy:


Do you offer a warranty for your products?

Yes, we stand behind our products 100% and offer a lifetime warranty for manufacturer defects!

Are your products available outside the United States?

Unfortunately Conductive Cooking products are currently only available in the US. However, we plan to change this as soon as possible and make our products available worldwide.

How do I know my steel is food safe?

We spent more time on this than anything else while developing our product line. We blast each cooking surface in house to make sure that each and every one of our products is 100% clean and ready for use. We have consulted a wide array of outside professionals in order to ensure that this process is perfect in every way, and we and 100% confident in the efficacy of our cleaning methods.

Do I have to clean my product after each use?

In short, no you do not. You will want to scrape any remaining food off of the steel after each use and apply a thin layer of oil to prevent rust. Treat our cookware the same way you would a well seasoned cast iron pan, you wouldn't want to lose all of that amazing flavor you gain from a well seasoned cooking surface!

How long will it take for my order to ship?

We generally ship out orders within a 3 or 4 day period, but sales and high volume seasons can cause it to take up to 7 days for your order to be processed and shipped. For more details, please see our shipping page or feel free to call!

What thickness do I need and why?

For most people, our standard thickness will work just fine. However if you are cooking for a long period of time or for a large group of people, we recommend the deluxe product line. These thicker cooking surfaces retain heat much better than that standard thicknesses and will not cool off nearly as quickly during the cooking process.

Do you have any coupon codes I can use for my order?

We periodically send coupon codes to our customers that subscribe to our newsletter as well as those who follow us on Facebook. Please check Facebook under Cooking Steels for any current coupon codes, or subscribe to our newsletter! (Hint: new customers that subscribe to our newsletter will automatically receive a 10% off code to use on their first order!)

Will you email me an order confirmation and tracking number when my order ships?

Of course! As soon as you place your order you will receive an order confirmation email, and as soon as we print your shipping label you will receive an automatic tracking update. Please allow 24 hours for the tracking number to populate tracking data as it tends to take some time.

Other general shipping information (carriers, etc.)?

Please consult our shipping page for a detailed explanation of our shipping policy, or feel free to give us a call during business hours! If it is after hours, feel free to email us and we will get back to you ASAP!